RINNO – innovating renovation
The project demonstrates IT-tools and new technologies to streamline the building renovation process.
Our Vision
Existing buildings use more than 40 % of the total energy in society. The ultimate objective of RINNO is to dramatically accelerate the rate of deep renovation in the EU by reducing the time, effort and cost of deep renovation while improving energy performance and stakeholder satisfaction.
Our Role
EGC is managing the demonstration projects in RINNO and the training of stakeholders. Demonstration takes place in: Slagelse in Denmark, Lille in France, Moschato-Tavros in Greece and Rajszew in Poland.
EGC offers introduction to the tools and technologies, contact to experts, contact to demosites, information on the project and set up of training.
EGC has published reports on planning and set up of the demonstration projects, training of stakeholders and evaluation of the demonstration projects.
See the public deliverables here.
Demosite Management
Stakeholder Training
Disrupting Buildings
A publication on deep renovation. Developed by the partners as an open access book