The role of energy communities in Denmark is a hot topic. The role of citizens in the green transition is the subject of heated debate, and there are a lot of projects and activities going on around the country.

On June 10, an XPRESS-supported webinar on the energy system of the future was held, presenting the construction of a 1 MW solar park financed and managed by a local energy community. 

The goal of the webinar was to get input from stakeholders such as government agencies, SMEs, financing institutions, and others on how to promote innovation and SME participation in renewable energy projects. Including how this can be encouraged in public procurement processes.

The municipality and at the same time island of Samsø owns a 10,000 m2 former landfill site where the municipality would like to build a 1 MW solar PV plant with mixed municipal and community ownership. Planning is currently underway. The goal is to implement the facility with municipal and community ownership and involvement of local SMEs. The pilot project focuses on:

– Technical and organizational innovation in ownership;
– Involvement of local SMEs:
– Financing concept;
– Organization of the tendering process to encourage SME engagement and innovation.

The event was held in the framework of the EU program XPRESS. Read more about the program on: XPRESS website, Facebook page, Twitter.